
Pastor AND Staff

Meet the team.

 Kenneth Luvai

And I will give Pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding,
Jeremiah 3:15
As we look upon the events that unfold in the world each day, we see more and more proof of the reality of Christ and the need to know Him in a personal way. Pastor Kenneth Luvai will be adding more articles to this page to help answer questions and bring clarity to Biblical truths tha we hold dear to our hearts. We trust that these articles will spiritually bless you and fortify you with knowledge directly from God’s unfailing Word.

bro. peter ongeri

The deacons, for they are the police of the church.
63-0317M - "God Hiding Himself In Simplicity, Then Revealing Himself In The Same"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

Bro. Vincent Vormawo

Song Leader
Let us Praise the Lord God the King

Bro. Claunel Mercival

 The deacons, for they are the police of the church.
63-0317M - "God Hiding Himself In Simplicity, Then Revealing Himself In The Same"
Rev. William Marrion Branham