How it all started...
My name is Kenneth Luvai, Pastor of Lighthouse Bible Tabernacle in Elizabeth, New Jersey USA. I was born in 1965 in Kenya in a family of nine being the sixth child. In 1970’s my elder brother and sister received the Message of William Branham, a Prophet send by God to the End Time People, with a Message to prepare the end time bride ready to meet their soon coming King, Jesus Christ in the Air. At that young age my heart was always thrilled when I came to know how God used William Branham. I can confess that after doing some research in the field of comparative religion and church history, never a man was ever used of God outside Jesus Christ like the man William Branham. So far I have never meet even one notorious critic of William Branham who has been able to challenge this fact.
At the age of 15 years I used to share the message with other kids in the primary school I used to attend, even before I accepted Jesus as my Lord and The Savior of my life. In 1984 Pastor Harun Kijusa organized a convention with my elder brother Herman Akaranga. The venue was at home; we had a big compound that could accommodate many people for days. Many ministers of the Message came and preached the Word with the demonstration of the Power of The Holly Spirit. My little stubborn heart that always told me that I was still young couldn’t resist the weight of the Word. One night in a dream I saw myself at a junction, I knew I had reached a crossroad and a decision had to be made. The following day I went to a watery grave and was buried in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. From there I thought life was going to be a bed of roses, on the contrary wise I have had to fight every devil of opposition on every side of the way, yes there were times I fell off the way, but I couldn’t stay down. The Devil and his entire Kingdom can’t hold a good man or woman down who is determined to follow Jesus Christ.
In 1987 I started I began to evangelism, Open Air Meetings and saw the Lord saving people I had thought that would never be saved.
In 1996 I relocated to the United States of America. In 1999 I started Evening Light Christian Fellowship in West Orange New Jersey. In 2003 I founded Lighthouse Bible Tabernacle in Elizabeth New Jersey, the Church I pastor.
The Lord richly bless everyone of you.
At the age of 15 years I used to share the message with other kids in the primary school I used to attend, even before I accepted Jesus as my Lord and The Savior of my life. In 1984 Pastor Harun Kijusa organized a convention with my elder brother Herman Akaranga. The venue was at home; we had a big compound that could accommodate many people for days. Many ministers of the Message came and preached the Word with the demonstration of the Power of The Holly Spirit. My little stubborn heart that always told me that I was still young couldn’t resist the weight of the Word. One night in a dream I saw myself at a junction, I knew I had reached a crossroad and a decision had to be made. The following day I went to a watery grave and was buried in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. From there I thought life was going to be a bed of roses, on the contrary wise I have had to fight every devil of opposition on every side of the way, yes there were times I fell off the way, but I couldn’t stay down. The Devil and his entire Kingdom can’t hold a good man or woman down who is determined to follow Jesus Christ.
In 1987 I started I began to evangelism, Open Air Meetings and saw the Lord saving people I had thought that would never be saved.
In 1996 I relocated to the United States of America. In 1999 I started Evening Light Christian Fellowship in West Orange New Jersey. In 2003 I founded Lighthouse Bible Tabernacle in Elizabeth New Jersey, the Church I pastor.
The Lord richly bless everyone of you.
Expanding the vision...
To establish and maintain a place for the worship of Almighty God our Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, His only begotten son, through the Holy Spirit, and for the promotion of the word of God, Christian Fellowship, baptism by immersion, the Lord’s supper, praise, prayer, divine healing, testimony and witnessing, Sunday school, missionary work and the ministry of preaching the gospel to every creature.
To establish and maintain a place for the worship of Almighty God our Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, His only begotten son, through the Holy Spirit, and for the promotion of the word of God, Christian Fellowship, baptism by immersion, the Lord’s supper, praise, prayer, divine healing, testimony and witnessing, Sunday school, missionary work and the ministry of preaching the gospel to every creature.
Where we are headed...
The message will continue Preached through the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost..

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:30 am and 11 am.